Classification of heat exchangers according to construction

Classification of heat exchangers according to construction

What is a heat exchanger?

A device to exchange the thermal energy between two or more fluids at different temperatures. In simple terms; if you want to use a hot fluid to heat up a colder one you can use a heat exchanger to do the job.

Heat exchangers are used in a variety of applications in industry;

  • Chemical, Process and Food
  • Power production
  • Electronics
  • Aviation
  • Environmental engineering
  • Manufacturing and Production
  • Waste heat recovery
  • Air conditioning and refrigeration applications
  • Space applications
  • Electronics
  • Motor industry – covered under manufacturing.

Of course the list goes on, but this is a small portion of what we use heat exchangers in. In fact our human body is a heat exchanger as it regulates its temperature keeping our body temperature warm.

Classification of heat exchangers according to construction

See the Classification of heat exchangers diagram below:

Classification of heat exchangers according to construction


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